Gift for a Loved One with Special Needs

Richard: I just turned 75 and Robert is fifteen years younger than I am. Robert would be unable to meet his monthly expenses without my help. I love my brother and recently started thinking about what would happen to Robert if something were to happen to me.
Richard and his attorney discussed a charitable remainder unitrust and special needs trust as a way to achieve Richard's goals. The unitrust would pay income to the special needs trust to support and care for Robert during his lifetime. Any remaining value in the unitrust would go to support Goodspeed Musicals.
Richard: I liked what the attorney had to say about the special needs trust. My primary concern, of course, was taking care of Robert but my attorney told me that this trust arrangement would produce some nice tax benefits too. I decided to fund the trust with some appreciated stock. I was able to avoid capital gains tax on the sale of the stock and reduced my income taxes because I received a charitable deduction.
Is a charitable remainder unitrust and special needs trust right for you?
If you have a loved one with special needs and are looking for a way to provide for them today, a charitable remainder unitrust and special needs trust could help you and your loved one. You can also use a testamentary gift to fund a charitable remainder unitrust to produce an estate tax deduction. Please contact us. if you have questions.
Please note: The names and image above are representative above of a typical donor and may or may not be an actual donor to our organization.Since your unitrust benefits may be different, you may want to click here to view an example of your benefits.